Designer of heating

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Place of work: Roľnícka 157, Bratislava - Vajnory, Slovakia
Type of employment: trade
Start date: immediately, agreement
Salary: 2000€


Job description:

  • designing heating and heat systems for all stages of project documentation of predominantly residential and multifunctional buildings
  • communication with the team of architects and civil engineers
  • communication and coordination across a wide range of professions
  • negotiations and communication with the contractor
  • participation in the author's supervision on the construction site


Employee benefits:

  • stable employment and motivating financial remuneration
  • pleasant working environment in a family company
  • working in a small and well-rounded team
  • opportunity for self-realization
  • gaining experience in several areas
  • regular teambuilding


Employee Requirements

  • Education: University second-grade degree in the field
  • Language skills:  English B1 and Slovak C2
  • Driver's license: B type
  • Number of years of praxis: 3


Other skills:

  • AutoCAD – advanced, additional training in the field of computer-aided design is an advantage
  • The knowledge of computational programs
  • Microsoft Office


Personal requirements

  • conscientiousness, reliability and responsibility
  •  work appetite and full commitment to work
  • flexibility, autonomy – the ability to independently solve a task
  • ability to provide innovative solutions
  • punctuality, respect for set deadlines
  • ability to independently solve standard problems in the design process and during project implementation
  • ability to work in collective and operate in teams.


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