VI GROUP Bond 7.50/28

Your path to successful and responsible investment
Are you troubled by high inflation and low interest rates? Our VI GROUP bonds are your key to yield, offering a stable alternative with a fixed return and the opportunity to engage in real, verified projects.

2024 Issue date
7,5% p.a. Interest
1000 € Nominal value
4 roky Maturity
4 000 000 € Total issue volume


Gain a comprehensive insight into our company and the investment opportunities we offer through our official materials.

Successful Projects

Explore some of our most successful and recent implementations. Projects that not only met our high standards but also received awards for uniqueness, quality, and design.

Warning: Investing involves risks. Past performance is not a guarantee of future returns. The information contained in this documents are not a proposal, public solicitation to conclude a contract, instruction, public competition statement, public promise, public offer, or a call to subscribe to a security under the generally binding legal regulations applicable in the Slovak Republic. This information should not be considered personal investment advice, an investment strategy proposal, or the provision of investment consulting.

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s nami, aby vaše investície
dosiahli nové výšky.

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